紋章の功罪・青獅子の学級 Crests The Good and the Bad (Blue Lions)
Blue Lion Classroom
ディミトリ: 謁見は済んだのか?……お疲れ様、先生。
Dimitri: Is your meeting over, Professor?
Choice 1: 浮かない顔だ You look troubled.
Choice 2: 疲れてる?Are you weary?
ディミトリ: 少し、考え事をしていただけだ。
Dimitri: I was just thinking about something.
ディミトリ: ……なあ、先生。昔からファーガスでは、遺産と、紋章の有無が重要視されてきた。
Dimitri: Professor... The possession of Relics and Crests has been highly valued in Faerghus since ancient times.
It's far from uncommon for someone to lose their ability to lead their house because they don't bear a Crest. Just like Miklan.
It happened to my uncle as well. The eldest child of the king, and yet he never ascended to the throne.
All families whose bloodlines carry Crests of the 10 Elites are much the same.
But House Gautier takes it a step further, and absolutely requires an heir who possesses a Crest.
Choice 1: なぜ重視している? Why are they so obsessed with it?
Choice 2: なぜゴーティエ家が? Why House Gautier in particular?
ディミトリ: 彼らにとっては、紋章の力が「必要なもの」だからだ。
Dimitri: To that house, the power of Crests is a necessity, not a luxury.
House Gautier holds the most northern territory in the Kingdom, and they have fought with the people to the north for many years.
The head of that house is responsible for protecting that territory from fearsome invaders, whom they keep at bay with the power of Crests and Relics.
In exchange for that responsibility, they are granted special privileges within the Kingdom.
Choice 1: 紋章の力で特権を得た? Their Crests grant them special privileges?
ディミトリ: ある意味ではな。とはいえ能力の優劣は紋章の有無だけで測れるものじゃない。
Dimitri: In a way. That said, ability cannot be measured by the possession of a Crest alone...
Choice 2: 紋章がなくても強い者は強い Strength is strength, with or without a Crest.
ディミトリ: そのとおりだな。俺も、そう思っている。能力の優劣は、紋章の有無では測れない。
Dimitri: I believe the same. Ability cannot be measured by the possession of a Crest alone.
ディミトリ: 紋章がないからとマイクランを廃嫡したゴーティエ辺境伯は、間違っていると思う。
Dimitri: I believe that Margrave Gautier was wrong to disinherit Miklan because he did not bear a Crest.
Still, there is always a reason for why such customs stand the test of time.
Imagine what this world would be like if no one placed any stock in Crests...
Bloodlines that carry Crests would dwindle. The metaphorical blade used to oppose threats would eventually rust.
This same arguments has been made time and time again across the years. Both side are at once right and wrong.
Byleth: ディミトリの考えは? What do you believe, Dimitri?
ディミトリ: ……紋章を持つ者も持たない者も、互いの力を認め、尊重し合うだけでいい。
Dimitri: I believe those with Crests and those without should acknowledge the others' strengths and learn to respect each other based on personal merits.
And that doesn't apply only to Crests. The same holds true for lineage, race, faith, ideologies...
If we could just accept each other and make mutual concessions, one step at a time... Perhaps... Who knows if that's even possible.
ディミトリ: どうしても認められない「何か」を、誰もが持っている。俺も……きっと先生も。
Dimitri: Everyone has something that is unacceptable within them. I certainly do, and I'd wager you do as well.
I wonder which is best, Professor... To cut away that which is unacceptable, or to find a way to accept it anyway...